Sunday, October 26, 2008


I pushed the wrong button and got cut off in mid blog. As I was saying--
Hannity had a program last night with a review of Obama's life. His background is suspect. His associations are more than suspect. I have never seen a more damming
program about anyone. I only wish that all Obama lovers could have watched it.
Now it is probably too late. I am pretty sure he will win the election which makes me very nervous. It may not affect me too much as I know I will not live forever. But what about my kids and grandkids ? They may live in a world much different than mine
and not an improvement.


I just finished the dog book mentioned in a previous blog.Marley and Me.
Jan kept LOL while reading it so I also read it. Not my thing. It was about a really bad dog that the family grew to love. It was a truely awful animal which I hated from the start. I never got to thepoint where I saw anything to like in this crazy beast. I would
have gotten rid of him in the first week. Not recommended reading.

Last night Hannity had a full hour program about Obama. It came on at 8

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Good Books

I have not had more fun reading a book since .... since.... never.
Pioneer Go Home by ( I think ) Richard Russel ( or Rusell ) is an old book and out of print. It may not be easy to find but if you can find it, get it and have a bit of fun. In my dotage, I am a slow reader, or so I thought. This 350 pager I consumed in one day.

Now I am reading another fun book but just started it. It is a dog book called Marley & Me.
Jan tells me it is also a fun book. She kept LOL ( I really am up to date on things ) so I have to assume that it is going to be something you might also enjoy. ( by John Grogan ).

What a relief to get away from the news which is getting more and more depressing. I am supposing that McCain is toast and so is the stock market and the economy. Meanwhile, I am
accumulating a new batch of trivia which you shall see anon. I really don't want to blog about politics anymore.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Here is a sample of the trivia questions that I presented a few weeks ago at the Burlap Barrel.The contestants
complained that they were too hard. The winning team (no more than 4 p;ayers ) got 12 right of 20. I pruned a few of the questions which were too easy. Teams of no more than 4 players and no fair cheating. See how well you can do.

1) t/f Marilyn Monroe was Playboys first centerfold.
2) t/f The standard violin consists of 23 separate pieces of wood.
3) t/f Mozart wrote Twinkle Twinkle Little Star at age 5.
4) t/f Kermit the Frog is left handed. Extra credit, what is his middle name?
5) What does MASH stand for ?
6) What is Dagwood Bumsteads dog's name ?
7) What is senator McCain's middle name?
8) t/f In the movie Scar Face (1984) the F word is spoken over 200 times.
9) t/f The famous battle scene in Gone With The Wind took only 3 minutes.
10) How long did sleeping beauty sleep?
11) How many holes in a chinese checker board ?
12) How many squares on a scrabble board ?
13) In golf we have par, birdie, eagle, another bird, and still another bird.
Name the last trwo birds. ( double eagle and triple eagle don't count )
14)When did the STAR Spangled Banner become the national anthem ?
15) What is commemorated in the words of the Star Spangled Banner ?

No phoning a friend or asking non team members for help.