Monday, June 28, 2010


I love radio and TV talk shows, especially those with a political content. Unfortunately, many of these shows can be irritating at times. For example:

RUSH LIMBAGH: He thinks he is pretty cute ( he is not ) and is more than a bit opinionated. He strays away from the conservative line from time to time. ( The straight conservative line is what I say it is )

BILL O'REILY: At times he is more than irritating. He invites learned and interesting guests to his program and interrupts them constantly. Unlike the true conservative ( me ) he despises the energy companies and does not seem to know about such fundamentals as supply and demand.

SEAN HANNITY: He is a nice and decent guy.His delivery is weakened by his excessive religiosity's. I have nothing against religions ( a couple of obvious exceptions ) but he may turn off some potential listeners and weaken his effectiveness. Hey Sean, what's with the stupid football you keep tossing about ?

GLEN BECK; Glenn Beck does his homework and scares the pants off of his listeners. His clownish presentation belies the horrors of his terrifying analysis of the current situation.

GREG GUTFELD: Who is he ? you might ask.You may never have heard of him since his program comes on at 2 A.M. ( TIVO is the worlds greatest invention ). He is really funny if at times a bit vulgar. Three or four guest are mercilessly harassed.
These guests can be priests, congressmen, authors, writers, comedians, prominent women ( always beautiful ) and more. He also writes articles for learned journals and has several books to his credit. I just unlimbered $ 25 for his latest tome,THE BIBLE OF UNSPEAKABLE TRUTHS. I am up to page 12 ( slow reader ). He may not be for the faint of heart.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


The world cup is an international celebration of the worlds most popular game.
About 32 counties have sent teams this year to South Africa and billions of aficionados watch the spectacle. Soccer has never been popular in the US but even here there are quite a few interested people.

Unfortunately, the South Africans have discovered a plastic horn that emits a loud noise not unlike that of a bee, a very large bumble bee type. So loud is this noise ( louder than a jack hammer I am told ) that the players are bothered, the anouncers can hardly be heard and the spectators themselves must be nearly deafened.
Some of these spectators may not like to be subjected to this and their option would be to not attend the games. We notice a good number of empty seats at the venues.

The worst part of the horns is that seem very popular with the cretinous fans and many millions of these horns are being purchased all over the world. It seems likely that all soccer games world wide will be subjected to this racket. The popularity of futbol ( That's what is called all over the world except here ) is going to be seriously impackted. Maybe the world futball authorities will ban it.

Friday, June 11, 2010


In 1920, congress wasn't much smarter than the current bunch. They passed what is know as the Jones Act, The Merchant Marine act of 1920,or The Cargo Preference Act. Under the strictures of this act most American trade had to be carried by American ships manned by American ( Union ) seamen. Shortly thereafter the US merchant marine largely disappeared and heretofore American ships were registered in Panama and other foreign countries.
The Jones Act has severely impacted the response to the gulf oil disaster. Many available ships such as skimmers are in the area but cannot be used. President Bush waived the act during the Katrina disaster. President Obama could have done the same.However,this would have offended his labor union support and he has failed to issue the waiver. His failure to do this has exacerbated the damage in the gulf.
This hardly seems like the time to play politics.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


How they git her name I do not know but through the mail and by phone Jan was told that by showwing up for a 30 minute presentation she would recieve a round trip ticket for 2 to anyplace in the continental US on the airline of her choice. Jan and I both smelled a mouse but we went anyway. At our age, we should have known better.

After an hour and a half slide show presentation by a glib, sleazy looking fellow who extolled the great savings and discounts availble through Direct Buy on almost anything one might want to purchase.( 50-60-even70%) Then came the clincher.For a paayment of $4000, $5000 or 6000 one could become a member, even with a down payment of as little as $i00.

I smelled a rat, a very big rat( The capybara living along the Orinoco river is the largest know rodent),a particularly odorific rat. When we were informed that this was the only chance, right then, to inscribe, we repectfully declined and asked for our airline ticket. We were given a scrap of paper instructing us to send $29 and in 4 to 6 weeks we would recieve our ticket. I looked these people up on the internet and sure enough,no one ever got a ticket.If is too good to be true, it probably isn't.