Thursday, October 28, 2010


I can't get interested in local and state politics. National politics is what I really like. While looking at the states, one by one, I have discovered some interesting and surprising things.

New England, for example, consists of six tiny states with declining populations and influence. At one time they were the backbone of the union intellectually, politically and economically. At the time of the Revolution the British were amazed at the wealth of the area. Alas, this is no longer the case. In fact, the number of congressional districts has actually declined. Presently, they have 22 representatives.Over the years they have become increasingly radicalized to the point where not a single representative is Republican. 21 of the rest are Democrats and one is a socialist.

I wonder if this is about to change. Will the Republicans be able to pick up at least a few seats?

To my amazement, I discovered that I was hard pressed to name the six New England states. I wonder if others will find the same problem.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


The bloated State Departemnt is not often included in the list of government wasteful spending. Would it surprise you to know that there are over 190 embassies spread around the world ? These are large, fancy, fortress like buildings. (The new Iraqi embassy is costing$1,000,000,ooo.00. That's one billion)

Embassy staffs are large. I have been told , for example, that the Mexico City staff is over 400. London, Paris, Berlin and other major capitals are similarly staffed.

Each embassy has an ambassador. This almost always turns out to be a big contributor to the party of the president in power,or sometimes just friends of POTUS. Ambassadorships are well paid and very prestigious positions with many percs. They must live in the finest houses with enormous staffs as befits their importance. Their principal function is to throw lavish parties for the local bigwigs. His consular staff does what little work needs to be done.

The consulates are spread about in large numbers, maybe 5 or 6 in important counties. Figures are hard to come by but a good guess would be about 600. Each is like a mini embassy. Their function is to look after the interests of American citizens.
My personal experience with the consuls varied from terrible to unbelievably excellent.

Ambassadors to countries are only part of the picture. We also have ambassadors to international organizations and ambassadors at large (?). The Department of State
in DC has a huge staff needed just to keep track of all th ambassadors and consuls

Here is a partial list of US embassies to countries I have never heard of----Tuvali, Tonga, South Ossetia. Seychelle, Sao Tome y Principe, Nauru, Maritius, Kimbali, Djibouti, Comoros, Cape Verde, Benin.

How many of these you can locate?