Saturday, April 30, 2011


#1) I have always thought that our black citizens overreact to the N word and the B ( boy) word. Only 150 years ago that was what they were called. It is history, not intended as an insult. Use these words now and it may cost you your life.
Now I see the inbred, snooty British royalty looking down their noses at what they like to call commoners ( The C word ). Were I a Brit and referred to as a (C word ), I might feel the urge to inflict an injury on them.

#2) Isn't it peculiar that the last 12 US presidents all graduated from Harvard or Yale ? It has not always been necessary to have a college degree, Andrew Jackson never went to school. Abraham Lincoln had two years of formal education. Large numbers of them scarcely got out of High school.

# 3) The Feds on average are spending $166 million every hour of the day, 7 days a week. They love to spend our money and are very generous. Buy a hybrid auto and get a $6,000 dollar gift. Put in an efficient air conditioner and get a $2,000 gift. If you have a smallish income, be sure to file a tax return whether you owe taxes or not. The EIC ( earned income credit, often miscalled earned income tax credit ) will present you with a gift of up to $5,666 . This program has been plagued by cheats and fraud, aided and abetted by unscrupulous tax preparers. These and many other giveaways should be eliminated.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Apparently we must be utterly fascinated by the British royalty. Our media has concentrated for weeks now on the impending nuptials of William and Katherine. They have finally decided to get married after 8 years of being shacked up. One might say, it's about time.

Each day Willie is looking more and more like his half witted father who may inherit the throne, along with his blowsy consort. This looks like one more embarrassment for Great Briton and the royals.

My principal interest in the story is the hysterical reporting of the event. Do we really care what gown Katherine wears ? Are we going to watch our TVs for many boring hours before, during and after the ceremony ? The answered to the above , a resounding yes.

On a personal note, I hate royalty. Can you imagine bowing and curtsying to these people as though they are somehow our superiors ?

Maybe I'm just pissed because my invitation got lost in the mail. I have heard that the Obama invitation also got lost in the mail.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


One by one the kids left home to make their way in the world. This wasn't always easy for them but all have survived and seem to be doing fine. But how about Jan and me?

Although we worried about the kids and even missed them, we never felt abandoned or alone until now. Here it is, Easter eve and no kids. We try to make the occasion happy. We went out to lunch and to a movie (Water for Elephants which followed the book closely and we loved both the book and the movie). We don't do this very often so it was a treat. Tomorrows plans, spare ribs at home (alone). Darn it ! We wish we had some kids here but the nest is empty.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Eye due knot know y yew due knot reed my righting. Aye dew knot sea yer comments. Hear aye bear my hart and sole out two know won. Sew hear wee ar dueing sum thing two gett hour reeders back. lettce sea if this werks. Yew can sea thar spel cheque is knot beeing yoused at this thyme. Hoo kneeds it. Knot aye. No weigh.

Monday, April 11, 2011


The pretty, chirpy weather girl announced yet another glorious day, warm and sunny. Know weigh ! She got it wrong. A glorious day here would call for clouds and lots of rain. It's been a month now here in Houston since we have had any rain. This area is in a severe drought situation. Much of Texas and some surrounding states are in an extreme drought. Much of the agriculture is in ruins. Cattle are being shipped off to slaughter to avoid dieing of thirst or hunger. As of today, this is considered the worst drought in 44 years and if it keeps up much longer it will be the worst ever. The Texas deer population, calculated at over 20 million, will mostly perish. The huge feral pig population may thrive, eating all the dead carcases. Huge forest fires are breaking out.Are we going to have a new dust bowl? So far, no water restrictions have been declared for Houston but it shouldn't be long. I already feel guilty when I water the lawn

Saturday, April 2, 2011


The previous post was supposed to consist of 6 paragraphs. I cannot imagine why the machine does not do as I tell it. It seems to have a mind of it's own.


As you may recall, in 1986 in northern Eukrain the chernobyl nuclear power plant blew up with devastating effect lighting the sky a brilliant purple and laying waste to 1669 square miles, including the town of Pripyat. This area is now know as the exclusive zone, Just 25 years later strange things have happened. Flora and fauna have flourished. In only 25 years the forest has reclaimed the area. Enormous feral pigs, dogs, wolves, lynx, foxes, badgers, red and roe deer, elk, frogs and fish abound. It is like the garden of Edan, a paradise of wild life. But------ The birds are showing the first signs of the unstable DNA taking place, showing freakishly high levels of albinism. Some trees have taken on unusual forms. We may soon see evolution taking place at an unprecedented rate. This is probably what the world looked like before mankind altered the landscape and how it might look again when humans are gone. This is an abridged version ( mine ) of a much longer article by Henery Shuckman that first appeared in Outside Magazine and reprinted in The Week magazine of April 1, 2011.