Sunday, February 26, 2012


Wouldn't it be fun , for a change, to have a political nominating convention that wasn't pre-ordained by the powers that be ( whoever that mysterious group might be ). They call it a brokered convention. Nothing is more silly or boring than these exercises in futility. It was not always this way. It need not be this way now.

My dream (very unlikely but not impossible ) has Romney, Santorum, Gingrich,, and even Paul all claiming delegates, thus keeping anyone from getting the necessary majority. The rules are, after the first ballot, the delegates are released from the commitment to their candidate and become free to change their vote. At this point, anyone can be proposed and seconded.

I propose Cris Christy. The second ballot would show lots of support for him. Still no majority? This would be exciting and Christy support would grow. Still another ballot. Christy wins ! Now we have a winning candidate. Marco Rubio for VP and we have an unbeatable combination.

A footnote : Christy, of late , has been all over TV and talk radio. Is this a coincidence ? Something is afoot.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Jan has been working at Advanced Office Systems for 30 years as of March 30th. For 30 years she has never been late and almost never missed a day of work. She has been a most loyal and dependable employee even though the company has been notably stingy in its salaries.

She has been thinking of retiring for over a year and yesterday advised that she is leaving on March the 30th. Good for her. She deserves some free time at last.

On the ither hand, my indolent life is coming to an end. Under her stern guidance I will no longer be allowed to spend countless hours watching TV or playing with my computer. She will find tasks for me on a daily basis. Her life of leisure begins. Mine ends.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I guess I am easily irritated. Here are few recent items that really got my goat.It has mostly to do with TV which I like most of the time.

Item #1 - Some poor besotted has been singer, noted mostly as an item for the tabloids in the last years, offed herself apparently with a drug overdose. I really don't care. However, since her demise all I am able to get on my beloved TV is more and more about this woman. I am so irritated by this that I am actually avoiding some of my favorite programs. Enough already. She really isn't important.

Item #2 - Constant adds on radio and TV are urging us to get Teddy bears ( Named after Theodore Roosevelt but that is another story ) for our loved ones. Since when, I ask myself, have bears become romantic symbols ? We are assured that said loved ones will be thrilled and will do nice things for us. They even have a 4 1/2 foot bear for only $99.oo. I jokingly suggested to Jan that I was getting one for her. She was not amused.

Item 3 - Why is it that when we get a commercial on one channel every other channel has a commercial at the same time ?Switching channels is therefore a waste of time. We thank whatever gods may be, for our Tivo.

Item 4 - I am tired of political adds and debates and telephone political calls. They tend to make me not want to vote for whoever they are touting.