Friday, September 13, 2013

                              I don't much like Facebook but --------

Facebook never appealed to me but, once in a while I take a look at some of it.
Fracesca ( Frances to me ) seems to be an unbelievably active face booker. I spent
a while looking at some of her stuff.

A couple of items caught my eye. One was a short poem of the modern type ( no ryme or
meter to speak of ) which is not my preference. But yet I found it evocative of feelings
I have felt but have never expressed. Pretty good stuff I admit.

The other item was a picture of  the interior of Frances's yurk (yurt,yuck,whatever)
with someones bottom. But more interestingly, in the photo, a beautiful solid mahogany
table. I wonder if  Frances knows the history of this item. It was hand made ( no power
tools) by her maternal  great grandfather probably around 1945. He decided to have a hobby and chose woodworking. He purchased every known tool and proceeded to
produce this table and two benches. That was the end of his woodworking hobby. I was
pleased to see that the table is still around and in the family. I wonder if the benches are
still with it. That table spent many years in Mexico City in the quaint bar at the beautiful historic home where I spent my youth.

Friday, September 6, 2013

                         52 SHADES OF WHITE

     With apologies to those in the know, your scribe must give a brief explanation of optics. My bona fides on this subject  are questionable. Optics is the science of light.
For this explanation we will refer only to sunlight.

     The light from the sun covers the entire spectrum of visible light from infra-red to
ultra-violet. This spectrum can be seen commonly in rainbows or when viewed through
a prism. In these cases the visible spectrum is separated in all the basic colors (6, I think). When this sunlight shines on an object,  some or all parts of the spectrum may be absorbed by the object. If all the light is absorbed the object appears black and the absorbed rays are converted to heat. If none of the rays are absorbed the object will appear white. Combinations of the unabsorbed colors are the various shades of all the different colors which we see.

     This subject has been brought to my mind by the fairly recent fad of teeth whitening.
Normally the human tooth comes in quite a variety of basically white colors. They may have touches of yellow or brown and up to a point this is quite natural. Some teeth may become discolored by neglect or peculiar habits. An excess of yellow or brown or
green( ugh ) can be hideous. Cleansing or bleaching in some cases may be in order.
However, the tooth whitening fad, as practiced  by vain people is often excessive.The teeth are rendered a perfect white. The only perfect white that I can think of would be
seen on most toilets. A perfectly white smile reminds me of a row of miniature toilets.
Very unnatural. Very unattractive.

Monday, April 22, 2013

                       REALY OLD MEMORIES

    I have been remiss in blogging for some time now.Perhaps I can attribute this to a lack of energy or maybe a few health problems. I'll spare you the details.

Strangely, the older I get the farther back go my memories. The early 1930s are becoming shockingly clear in my mind. I was between 5 and 10 years old during this period. Business was terrible. This was the big depression and I am sure my Dad was pretty worried. Poor as we were, we nevertheless lived in a huge and lovely rented house with an enormous yard. Even poor folks like our family somehow had four or more maids and several gardeners. Dad drove an enormous Cadillac cabriole purchased in about 1928 when times were good.

Mexico was still in turmoil at this time. There were practicaly no controls over anything.This was manifested in the dog business. Dad had purchased a Great Dane(it turned out it wasn't) and two Irish Terriers (they were something else ) and a disgusting
Scotty. The so called Dane, Tiger, was enormous. When he was a puppy the local vet was commissioned to cut the ears. What a quack he turned out to be. He cut the ears off the poor dog and as a freebie, he lopped off his ( the dog"s ) tail. The dog grew up to be a fierce looking beast but he was a gentle giant. He was the only dog allowed in the house but at night he patrolled  the perimeter of the huge yard, probably  1  kilometer around. We never had any fear of burglars thanks to the all night vigil. To leave nothing to chance, Dad kept a loaded 45 by his bed every night.

Back to the poverty situation: Apparently the household budget did not allow anything for clothing. All the cloths I had were handmedowns from Carl, through Dean and Lee. I was dressed in rags. When Toti came along some years later he got all new stuff. Needless to  to say, I was resentful for many years.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

                            IS SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE FUNNY ?

     Many years ago SNL was a riot. Great comedians and talented script writers made this program  a weekend treat. I, along with many others no longer bother to watch. Years ago they forgot what is funny. The great humorists are long gone. The current crop of writers are clueless.

    It occurred to this bunch that a mocking parody of Jesus Christ would be amusing. It was not. They went too far with this ham handed , disgusting program.

     The sponsors of  SNL are Kmart, Sears and J C Penny. The next time you go shopping you might consider taking your trade elsewhere.

Friday, February 15, 2013

                                  A REMARKABLE STORY

About 25 years ago Oscar Pistorias, a South African infant, for unknown medical
reasons, had both legs amputated below the knees. As he grew up, in a miraculous
display of medical science,  not only learned to walk but, with some strange
looking prosthesis became an Olympic track contender. Although he failed to
win a medal he became a hero of the games and a  credit to his country.

Fast forward a couple of years :  Oscar has taken up with the beautiful Miss
Steencamp. The world was shocked to learn that Miss Steencamp has been
murdered and Oscar is the primary suspect. It really is an open and shut case.
The jury will find him guilty. He doesn't have a leg to stand on.

P.S. South Africa has the second highest shooting death rate in the world.
       Columbia is the first.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

                           WHY SHOULD WE HATE MCDONALDS

     Our wonderful government, aided and abetted by the liberal press and the health care nuts has, for many years demonized that evil, omnipresent and powerful company known as McDonalds. The complaint against them, they are the principal cause of obesity of the masses. The sedentary ones who stuff themselves with greasy and sugary treats apparently are blameless.

     For reasons that elude me, POTUS and his wife as well as the US congress are obsessed with fat  and strike out against it wherever they can. In spite of their efforts,
McDonalds ( and other fast food outlets ) seem to be thriving. How can that be ?

   We wonder  what can be wrong with top grade beef, chicken and pork,often with lettuce and tomatoes on a first class bun. The french fries might be a bit suspect but they are so good ( yummy ). A small order, split two ways keeps the dreaded calorie count at a reasonable level. One may even order salad if one so desires. This is all served quickly at a reasonable price. They even have a slightly smaller hamburger for only $1.00. And look out, Starbucks, a fine cup of coffee for $0.50 !

     Is it any surprise that there are many thousands of McDs all over the world ? These are mostly privately owned but closely supervised franchises. If you have not done so, I suggest that you give them try