Friday, August 3, 2007

Pesimist or optimist

I used to be an optimist and wish I still was. However, when I look at the condition of my dearly beloved country I sometimes think things are going to the dogs. Here is a short list of the things that seem to keep me awake at night:

1) The ever worsening international balance of trade.

2) The huge and ever increasing national debt.

3) The troubled health care system.

4) Lousy educational system.

5) Social security system going broke.

6) Raods and bridges and national power grid deteriorating.

7) Air traffic control system obsolete and inadequate for our ever increasing air travel.

8) Inflation out of control.

a) 50 years ago prices were about 10% of current prices.

b) Inflation seems to be government policy. They are raising taxes without raising taxes.

They are paying down the national debt withou paying it down.

9) Our investments are shrinking as the value of the dollar is debased.

10) Congress inaction on the imigration and energy problems.

Are you an optimist ? Let me know why.


amycue said...

I did not know you were so pesimistic! I am optomistic about the following:
1)Better technology every day to help our family members who need it hear better.
2)Living in the US where if I get sick I know I will have the best health care in the world no matter what Michael Moores says in his ridiculous movie. People from all over the world come HERE to get health care and with no waiting!
3)China, Japan and rest of the world cannot seem to get enough of our debt which keeps out interest rates relatively low.
4)Most of your grandchildren have received a free public education and seem to have come out fairly literate (there is certainly room for improvement)
5)Our taxes are at the lowest point ever thanks to GWB - but that unfortunately might change soon as the democrats are sure to be taking over... (ok - I AM pesimistic about that)

I am sure I can come up with more stuff - but enough for now...

Kathy Hernandez said...

These will never go down in history as the 'Good Ol' Days'. We'll look back and remember them as the 'Tough Ol' Times'.
I am optimistic that we will get it right someday, see a day when all the wrinkles have been ironed out.

Tom said...

Well, I guess I am somewhere in between.

Stock markets rise and fall, countries' power and fortunes wax and wane. This has been and is likely to remain for as long as death and taxes hang around.

My optimism stems from the belief that all systems eventually find a balance.
My pessimism from the belief that this balance is not guaranteed to be a comfortable one!

Kathy Hernandez said...

Well said, brother.

Holly said...

Glad to see you that you have broken blog silence. I was beginning to worry.

I'm an optimist, but you know that about me. I think it has more to do with my nature than circumstances. It's easier to face the darkness with a positive attitude.