Thursday, March 13, 2008


1) 1 in 4 teenage girls has a STD.
If this were true we should start watching our children more closely. We used to
have chaperons. Not a bad idea.

2) Drink 8 glasses of water per day.
Why would anyone put such a burden on ones kidneys ? Perhaps, in very hot
weather a glass or two might be in order. Maybe athletes might drink a few glasses.
Some people ( me ) drink 1 or no glasses of water per day and seem reasonably

3) 2,000,000 American children go to bed hungry every night. Where are these
kids ? Where are the parents ? I thought we had social programs to take care of this
supposed problem. What a bunch of baloney !

4) There are 5,000,ooo homeless in the US.
Yes there are some homeless persons and they are a problem. They are hard to
count. Since they are always out in the street it is easily imagined that the
statisticians over estimated the numbers. That is my theory


El Ruco said...

Dear Rummy,

With pastors and passports and candidates traveling the world at taxpayers expense and, yes Florida again. How can you be silent? This is your mero mole! I think it’s only fair you tell us all why what the US of A and the world really needs McSame!

As to your problem with venereal disease the kids don’t need chaperones, they need damned good education. For a start have a heart to heart talk with your pope, he could help a hell of a lot. You may have seen some graphic films in boot camp that made you think twice before screwing around. I saw them in military school. Where are those films now? Put ‘em on!

Water and kidneys? Well if one doesn’t use something it usually atrophies and since I love my kidneys I drink lots of water, pure and also happily flavored, the later when the sun is over the yardarm.

Many abrazos Rummy, I and I believe your dedicated followers look forward to your dive into the RACE.

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