Sunday, April 27, 2008

Grand Opera

There are a few arias in some operas that I fund to be beautiful but they are just bits and
pieces hooked onto stupid stories. Therefore, it is safe to say that I am not an opera buff.

Jan is an opera buff. She listens to her tapes and discs while doing her chores. Not often does she have a chance to actually go to the opera and so she jumped at the chance to go last night.
Some sort of a deal allowed her to pay only $30.00 for seats that normally go for $150.00.
She came home very pleased with the experience. I was appalled at the $30.00 price
(We could have purchased a disc of the whole thing for less) and can not even imagine anyone paying the full $150.00 price.

It seems that many people have so much money that it no longer has any meaning. I often wonder what it would be like to be in that position. Thousands of dollars for a super bowl ticket.
A small fortune to hear Banana Nose (My affectionate name for Streisand), hotel rooms for thousands per night and meals costing hundreds of bucks. My worries are much simpler. $3.50 for a gallon of gas, $4.00 for a gallon of milk.

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