Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I read that the federal deficit is $482 billion dollars. As a footnote to that story, one will find
that the Iraq-Afghanistan war cost is not included. Add at least 150 billion. Note also that he housing bailout is to cost ( conservatively ) 300 billion. This begins to sound like a real deficit
of almost 1 TRILLION bucks.

Our wonderful congress continues adding additional and expensive programs. For example:
World wide aid for aids ; billions ( but very little for heart disease and cancer ). Thank you, congress. We thank you for all the porky earmarks which accompany each legislative bill. Thanks again , congress, for being so generous with our and our grandchildren's money. We also admire your generous offer to bail out the real estate borrowers and lenders. How great for you to be taking a one month vacation while not doing anything about the energy crisis. Lastly, our appreciation for the unfunded expenses forced onto our evil corporations. They seem to be making obscene profits, a situation which can easily be corrected by more taxes and regulations.

Anf finally, my thanks go also to the President for using his veto power so sparingly and allowing the congressional garbage to become law.


amycue said...

Thank you for writing a good blog - I look for one every day. Amy

Francy-Pants said...

Here, here! I couldn't agree more with all of this. Do you ever find it hard to believe that the most powerful people in government get such a long vacation each year?

It's really quite infuriating, especially when you consider the massive salaries and poor job performance of our law makers.

Nancy Adams said...

How about adding our thanks to the FDA for ruining the tomato and pepper industries this year. The NC Commissioner of Agriculture put it quite well when he stated that we feed over 300 million people 3 meals a day, so by his calculations, ONLY 1300 people got ill after eating over 90 BILLION meals. That is a remarkably small number! Yet the country destroyed tens of millions of tomatoes based on a hunch from the FDA... Then we repeated with peppers! Wow, talk about ineptitude!