Friday, July 25, 2008


Mother nature can be cruel. Think of the poor farmers here in south Texas. The cotton and sorghum crops had barely survived for a month without a drop of rain. Harvest time came
accompanied by 5 or more inches of rain. Adios crops for this year. So guess what.
The price of food and clothing will go up. Surprise , Surprise .

Back to congress bashing. It seems they are about to take off for their summer vacation. Almost nothing good was accomplished but they did pass some lousy stuff, mostly new spending ideas. Gasoline price still hovers about $4.00 a gallon.
I do blame our Democrats for blocking any useful legislation but they had help from the Republicans. Isn't it too bad that we don't have term limitations on some of the old, professional politicians. Three of four terms in the house and one or two in the senate should be enough. Somehow, 95% of the incumbents seem to get re-elected no matter how lousy they are.

There are moments when being a parent can be nerve wracking. One of the worst times is when the children get their first car. Off they go, fresh out of driver training with their new license, fearless, daring, and completely inexperienced.
Most of them survive and some even become good drivers but it takes time and usually a few accidents for this to happen.

Isn't it too bad that our US auto companies are in such trouble. They finally have started making excellent and attractive vehicles, equal in quality to all other auto companies. Now they are losing their shirts due to excessive labor concessions from way back when they were more prosperous. They have the product right but may very well go bankrupt

1 comment:

Tom said...

I am a huge fan of term limits.
I don't recall where, but recently watched an in interview with a "celebrity", who was of the opinion that public service ought to be so gruelling and demanding, that even if multiple terms were allowed, no one would want one!
I think our current batch of legislators, for the most part, lead some very cushy lifestyles at the taxpayer's expense. So much for public service... more like public self-service.