Monday, September 1, 2008

One last word ( Maybe )

I told a little lie last time. Another political comment-Sara looks pretty good after all. She's tough
smart, ambitious, and above all, good looking. I can hardly wait for her to nail stuffed shirt Biden in a debate. Maybe we won't be subjected to his self satisfied smirk at that time.

On another subject- The press is such a bunch of calamity howlers. The current hurricane
has landed and so far not too much has happened. If New Orliens doesn't flood this time, they may have trouble getting people out of there the next time. We here in Houston will be lucky if we get a nice, much needed rain storm. Right now the worst thing going on is overtopping of the levees which seem to be holding up very well. It still might be a disaster but my prediction is, it won't be. It's 11 AM Monday. I may have to eat my words later on.


Nancy Adams said...

The governments motto should be, "if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing." My gosh, this is how my tax dollars are working now!!! CYA at its best -- or worst, I guess...

Francy-Pants said...

I hate to be the one to tell you this, Granddad, but being attractive is not a vital qualification for this high office.

If we are going to base any of our political preference on looks, lets just say that Obama looks like a male model compared to McCrazypants.

Anyhow, she is as over-the-top as the government's reaction to Gustav.

She sounds like a nasty, mean spirited cheerleader leading a high school pep-rally to me. I feel fear at the thought of her having to deal with serious international issues. She's profoundly unqualified.

ruminations said...

Fancipants - Did you not notice that I was being facetious when I said " Above all she is good looking ?

Francy-Pants said...

Ahhh, well I never know when to take you seriously, when I can't hear your delivery!

I mean, c'mon, you also like Anne Coulter, one of the least qualified, most self-satisfied voices of the right.

Don't get me wrong, the Dems have waaaay more than their fair share of ding-dongs. I just put my blinders on an pretend they aren't there. Or try to vote them out of office.

You might be proud to know that I voted in a Republican mayor here in Muncie last election. She has proven herself to be the right man for the job since.