Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Good Books

I have not had more fun reading a book since .... since.... never.
Pioneer Go Home by ( I think ) Richard Russel ( or Rusell ) is an old book and out of print. It may not be easy to find but if you can find it, get it and have a bit of fun. In my dotage, I am a slow reader, or so I thought. This 350 pager I consumed in one day.

Now I am reading another fun book but just started it. It is a dog book called Marley & Me.
Jan tells me it is also a fun book. She kept LOL ( I really am up to date on things ) so I have to assume that it is going to be something you might also enjoy. ( by John Grogan ).

What a relief to get away from the news which is getting more and more depressing. I am supposing that McCain is toast and so is the stock market and the economy. Meanwhile, I am
accumulating a new batch of trivia which you shall see anon. I really don't want to blog about politics anymore.


Tom said...

I am finding some used books on Amazon by this name by the author Richard Powell - wondering if that is the same book?
In case this is the right book, here is the amazon link:

ruminations said...

That's the one. Get it at any cost.