Monday, March 2, 2009

Good thing everyone isn't like me.

I find most of the thing people do to be, at best , peculiar. The pathetic attempt
to be different, or to express oneself by looking unique ( It hardly ever works ) or to
embellish ones appearance through strange artifacts is alien to my nature. Following are a few examples:
Nail polish : It looks very unnatural and most often ugly. Hands are not usually thought of as objects of beauty. Toe nail polish borders on the insane.
Body piercing : What a repulsive, primitive thing to do to ones self. Ears are bad enough but the piercers don't stop there. Noses, tongues, nipples and other body parts which we are too delicate to mention, are all subject to this barbarism.
Tattoos: They stay on for life. You better not put something on that you might later want off.
Mustaches : Men don't get off free. How about facial hair ? If one is not an Iraqi, one should not have a mustache. There are a few exceptions. Tom Sellick would look naked without his. Clark Gable , with his carefully clipped one looked good. Adolph Hitler ( No No, just kidding ). Many men now sport the Arafat look which extends well beyond the upper lip. It looks pretty sloppy to people like me. But mostly, beyond being unsightly, the mustache seems unsanitary for various reasons I would rather not talk about.
That's enough for starters. How about cosmetics, clothing, and, most importantly, jewelry. I hate jewelry. If it were up to me, the entire industry would disappear.


Tom said...

Clothing dad??? Clothing? If I had known you disliked clothing I would have encourgaged you to join a nudist colony ;-)

Holly said...

I have a challenge for you; write me a post about what you DO like. What do you think is beautiful? What makes you happy?

Kathy Hernandez said...

I happen to agree with you that the human being is a strange animal. I am still a fan of simple elegance, a clean, healthy look that draws more attention than all the artifacts we use to get noticed or to hide behind. But one must remain open-minded about trends, and refrain from harsh judgement. Every generation has its quirks, and this one is hardly the exception. The mustache, I'm afraid, is here to stay. It was here before the razor appeared on the scene, and it will be here long after you and I are gone.

amycue said...

Your post almost makes me want to go get a tattoo and at least one conspicuous piercing. I agree with Holly - we need to know what makes you happy! Glad to see a post nevertheless.

Tom said...

On re-reading your post - I am of the opinion that all of us express our individuality. I don't think this is pathetic, but rather intrinsic.
How we do so, in itself is an expression of ourselves.
Some, as you mention, like to dress up, pierce, tattoo, wear their hair differently or accessorize in some manner.
Some people express this in their choice of cars, home, friends, etc.
Others express themselves with minimalism, or, in your case, by rejecting many social norms of fashion and expression.
In a nutshell - you have just expressed your uniquenes and difference, and it is just as telling as if you had a tattoo or piercing.