Saturday, April 18, 2009


Two dark and rainy days in a row and more to come tomorrow has done nothing to make thing rosier. I am being attacked by the IRS again. When I think of the puny little summ that they want from me and compare it to the trillions being spent by the Obama administration I wonder why they are after my few thousand dollars. I have finally given up on the idea that I can do my own taxes and have hired a professional who seems to be having trouble solving my problem. This in turn has caused me to have trouble sleeping. That, of course, is stupid as it solves nothing.
My skin doctor tells me that I need an operation in a hurry. He should have been nicer to me since I have helped him make payments on his fancy Mercedes. Tuesday I go in for what is really a very minor surgery but, since I am on a doom and gloom kick, I am allowing this to help keep me awake.
I will not burden my vast readership with any more of my troubles. Next time you hear from me I feel sure that I will once again be my usual amusing self

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


One keeps hearing about twitter or twittering(tweeting). Just what is it ? I see that the messages on twitter are very limited. My blogs, usually brief, are not limited. I can write on forever if it suits my fancy.
Unfortunately, the blog seems passe now , leaving me and fellow blogers in the dustbin of history. Modern technology has left us behind.