Saturday, May 9, 2009


If there is something that can be put off, always do so . Also, never be pressured
by your spouse to do things that you don't want to do. This thing was the continual
complaint about the condition of our back patio which, over the years had developed
many large and unsightly cracks. We (she) decided to fix it.
We got a nice lowball quote and ordered the work done. What the quoter didn't know was that the concrete to be removed was six+ inches thick and had hardened
over the last 40 years. Three days of jack hammering is almost more than one can
bear. A mountain of chunks blocked our driveway for days. The coloring added to the concrete is splotchy. The mess left behind was unbelievable.
Jan was in serious danger when she told me that she hates what they did. I don't care for it too much either but would cut my throat before mentioning it.
The final parting indignity-As they moved the patio table back to the patio, somehow the glass top shattered into millions of tiny shards. I didn't see what they had done to cause this so we took the loss and didn't argue about it. Today we went out and purchased a new table and umbrella. Jan isn't my mom but happy mom's day.
The moral of the story ( if there is one): You gets what you pays for.

1 comment:

Francy-Pants said...

How sad!

Maybe you will call up your talented landscape architect granddaughter next time!

I'm sorry this was such a disappointing outcome.