Sunday, July 12, 2009


We know that we risk boring our family, friends and other admirers with
the broken rib saga, but that is all that is on my mind these days.
Treatment for broken ribs consists of nothing but pain pills. Day one: heavy dose of
advil. Day two: heavy dose of allive. Days 3, 4 and part of five: codeine. The codeine was most effective for pain relief but has several terrible side effects too horrible to mention. Today ,back to advile. I would rather suffer a bit more pain than continue with the codeine. My doctor assured me that each day I would feel better and sure enough, I do. I like to think that a heavy dose of advil will be sufficient for the next month or so.

Not being able to leave the house, I suffer from what is know as cabin fever.
It is not easy to fill the day with useful activities. Television gets boring and repetitious. My boggle game is not up to the old standards although I have played it even more than usual. All we seem to get on TV is ever more Michael Jackson
and Sara Palin. The Jackson stuff is turning negative ( about time ) and the Palin
stuff remains poisonous. I confess that I like Sara allot although I would never consider her for president. That might be a sexist thing on my part.

We are now well into month two with temperatures above 100 degrees. The garden
looks pathetic. The tomato and bean crops failed completely and I fear for the
papaya tree.


Kathy Hernandez said...

The good news I gleaned from your blog is that every day you are getting better. I'm hanging on those words, and doubt even that you'll have to take pain meds for a whole month.
Now about the weather...looks as though its gonna get worse before it gets better.

Holly said...

Oh man, I hate codine, too. I almost like pain better than I like codine. Good luck with the day to day management and take care with your tummy. Too much advil and not enough food can create some digestive acrimony.

Can't imagine that many days of such heat. I'm sending a few coolish breezes your way.

Francy-Pants said...

SO glad you are on the mend.

I am coming to visit next week, and you should know that I am going to take a pitchfork to your garden until something good happens.

I miss you guys, even though I just saw you.

Maybe you need a good book, or a new hobby...