Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jan's trivia

Our weekly trivia game at the Burlap Barrel is in trouble. Our wonderful friend who ran the game suddenly died at the age of 53. We are trying to keep it going and Jan
was the next caller. Following are a few of the trivia questions which she asked:
What do the initials tips stand for ?
What does anosmia mean?
What is a group of crows called?
What is the name of the only dog breed that cannot bark?
In baseball, what is a ball that hits the foul pole called?
Name 3 European countrries beginning with the letter A,
Poor Jan, she was criticized by some of the players who thought her questions were too hard. She vows to never call again.


Tom said...

I think maybe 2 questions I could answer... but not being well versed in Trivia, that should show that the questions were not too hard...

Francy-Pants said...

I only know a murder of crows,

oh yes, also Austria, Armenia, and Albania.

Wow, I guess I wouldn't fare so well, either. I think they are fine questions.

and 53 seems awfully young to die!

Tom said...

Francis... I ended up cheating on the 3 countries... I got 2 and curiousity got the best of me. I won't spoil anyone's attempt, except to say Armenia is not in the list.

ruminations said...

It's not Armenia. It is Andorra

Kathy Hernandez said...

Our neighbors of a long time ago had a Basenji, a dog that couldn't bark. How nice it would be if this particular quality could be bred into a few of the noisier breeds.