Saturday, November 14, 2009


Our wonderful city of Houston fathers, aided and abetted by the financial minions
who are their masters , have decided to balance the city budget at the expense of their
citizenry. The hapless victims are the drivers of automobiles. Here are a few examples:
Ten miles per hour in a school zone- $245. This happened to Jan yesterday. As she was slowing down from 50 mph she was clocked by a flatfoot going 30. This guy was doing what he was told to do. Catch everyone he could . I suspect that he makes his quota every day.
Running a stop sign- $230. I do this all the time. Some officious bureaucrats have spread these signs everywhere, whether or not they are needed. A note of caution:
make sure there are no cops in the vicinity if you care to follow my example.
Seat belt violation- $150 . It may be sensible to fasten the seat belt at all times
but I object to being told that I must. I often do not
buckle up for short trips. One of these days they will nab me. When it happens, it will make me very angry.
Be especially careful not to have any firecrackers in your possession. $421. It's better to have open containers of alcohol in motor vehicle. Only $270


Tom said...

I agree... traffic fines have spiralled out of control.
We also have the ever present "fines doubled" in constructon areas. That despite the fact that the area is so designated 3 months prior to - and after the actual work.
And then, to rub it in, they lowered the speed limit on our freeway "under construction", and installed cameras that will presumably send perpetrators automatic tickets.
Just wait... next they will install GPS devices in all cars that send some local policing agency a notice each time you are speeding...

Nancy Adams said...

I double agree. And just wait till they start giving you tickets for something you haven't done!!! That happened to me last week -- I got a ticket for speeding in a small town while it was raining -- I was probably going 10 under cause I do not like driving in the rain. The cop said I was going 49 in a 35 -- fat chance! I have talked to several people - a magistrate in a different town, 2 attorneys, and my neighbor district attorney -- they all say I am screwed and tough luck, burden of proof is on me!!! So much for you are innocent until proven guilty. I am going to run with this one and insist that they MUST have a video to go along with the radar cause it is one word against another and they should have to prove it was your car and that it was not an instantaneous reading -- I was clocked about 15 feet from the top of a hill -- so, are the radars taking a solitary reading or several to prevent misreading on accelerating or decelerating (as happens on the top of hills). Tommy, feel free to step in on this one since I am going to fight this tooth and nail and need all the technical help I can get.

I do not like paying the stupid fines, but it is the CRAZY insurance rates that bugs me even more -- 25% more for 2 points and up to 125% more for 6 points. Most speeding tickets result in 2 points. After 34 years of driving, my dang insurance rates are going to go up 25% cause some stupid cop made a mistake!!! I will give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was an honest mistake... Whew