Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Gripe #1: I have noticed with some dismay that young people have taken to using language not generally heard in old time polite society. This is offensive to older people and demeaning to the youngsters.
Gripe # 2: The English language is deteriorating at an alarming rate. No one seems to know the difference between the nominative and objective cases. Specifically, the misuse of I and me.
Gripe #3: Related to gripe # 2, it refers to the new and popular expression, my bad.
This came right out of the Ghetto . I have nothing against the ghetto except for their misuse of
our beautiful language. I think my bad means I made a mistake, or I lied, or I didn't mean to do it or some such thing. Lets just say what we mean without using peculiar ungrammatical expressions. Please, never say my bad in my presence, especially if I have a knife or a club or perhaps a gun handy. Otherwise, you will at least receive a dirty look from me.
Gripe #4: Over the years we have sent Christmas messages ( the now famous DXCM) in enormous numbers. Each year we have received ever fewer cards and messages from our vast readership. No more mister nice guy. We don't hear from you and you are off our mailing list.
Although I hate to mention it, e-mail Christmas cards don't count.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The new bipartisan compromise bill to be passed by congress and signed by
Obama looks to be more of the same spending stimulus. Do they not realize
that they are spending too much and digging us deeper in debt ?

It now seems permanently ingrained as the rights of Americans that they should be
payed a salary whether or not they are employed. The so called compromise bill to be
passed ( of course right away ) extends the unemployment payment for 13 months !
The cost is a staggering 50 billion bucks.

A certain number of the unemployed would rather get their $350.00 per week than
work. There are also , unfortunately, some individuals with zero skills or abilities or,
for some other reason, are unemployable. This is a dilemma. One cannot just let these
people starve.

Suggestion: ( It won't happen ) After 13 weeks the unemployment pay should be
reduced to perhaps $200.00 per week, not enough to keep them from working but
enough to keep them from actually starving.

A tiny afterthought: The mindset of the administration shows itself by the needless
expansion of the school lunch program at a cost of a paltry 4 billion dollars. Just petty
change by today's standards.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I can't get interested in local and state politics. National politics is what I really like. While looking at the states, one by one, I have discovered some interesting and surprising things.

New England, for example, consists of six tiny states with declining populations and influence. At one time they were the backbone of the union intellectually, politically and economically. At the time of the Revolution the British were amazed at the wealth of the area. Alas, this is no longer the case. In fact, the number of congressional districts has actually declined. Presently, they have 22 representatives.Over the years they have become increasingly radicalized to the point where not a single representative is Republican. 21 of the rest are Democrats and one is a socialist.

I wonder if this is about to change. Will the Republicans be able to pick up at least a few seats?

To my amazement, I discovered that I was hard pressed to name the six New England states. I wonder if others will find the same problem.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


The bloated State Departemnt is not often included in the list of government wasteful spending. Would it surprise you to know that there are over 190 embassies spread around the world ? These are large, fancy, fortress like buildings. (The new Iraqi embassy is costing$1,000,000,ooo.00. That's one billion)

Embassy staffs are large. I have been told , for example, that the Mexico City staff is over 400. London, Paris, Berlin and other major capitals are similarly staffed.

Each embassy has an ambassador. This almost always turns out to be a big contributor to the party of the president in power,or sometimes just friends of POTUS. Ambassadorships are well paid and very prestigious positions with many percs. They must live in the finest houses with enormous staffs as befits their importance. Their principal function is to throw lavish parties for the local bigwigs. His consular staff does what little work needs to be done.

The consulates are spread about in large numbers, maybe 5 or 6 in important counties. Figures are hard to come by but a good guess would be about 600. Each is like a mini embassy. Their function is to look after the interests of American citizens.
My personal experience with the consuls varied from terrible to unbelievably excellent.

Ambassadors to countries are only part of the picture. We also have ambassadors to international organizations and ambassadors at large (?). The Department of State
in DC has a huge staff needed just to keep track of all th ambassadors and consuls

Here is a partial list of US embassies to countries I have never heard of----Tuvali, Tonga, South Ossetia. Seychelle, Sao Tome y Principe, Nauru, Maritius, Kimbali, Djibouti, Comoros, Cape Verde, Benin.

How many of these you can locate?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


In about 1950 I left Mexico to take a job,thanks to Uncle Tom Dean, in Gresham, Oregon with the Olympic Mfg. Co., a division of the Dean Co.. My peers in Mexico had all found decent jobs and were on good career paths. I had not been able to do so.

Gresham at his time was a tiny, bucolic town of 5 or 10 thousand and it's claim to fame was The berry capital of the world. There was a cannery, a milk company ( You can't beat our milk but you can whip our cream), one cinema, a few tiny restaurants and the afore mentioned Olympic Mfg. Co., a veneer slicing operation with about 50 employees.

I stayed with my brother Carl who owned a dairy farm in the nearby town of Boring. Carl introduced me to the Carter family.

Thomas ( Doc ) Carter (1885-1975 ) and wife Pauline had an enormous family of 11 children ( two deceased at that time) . Doc had served in the US Army in WWI and again in WWII and emerged as a LT. Colonel. Interestingly he had only a sixth grade education ( Not unusual at that time) but was able to qualify for a veterinary school in Canada. While there he met and married Pauline Horton from Michigan in 1914. After a number of moves he found himself in Gresham and had become the Multnoma County vet with a private practice as well.

Janet was child number 9. We were married in 1952. My job with Olympic was not working out well. Jan and I and three kids returned to Mexico where we spent 20 great if poverty stricken years.

Some time in the 1990s we visited Gresham and discovered, to our dismay, that it had become the second largest city in Oregon with almost nothing familiar to us.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


For many years the US was free of bed bugs. Rather suddenly they have reappeared and are becoming all pervasive. One might well quit going to movies, restaurants and especially, hotels. Hotel rules: Don't put your suitcase on the floor, use the luggage rack; never put your clothing in the dresser; Turn back the bedding and inspect the mattress; keep suitcase closed. Best rule of all, stay home.

We understand that bedbugs do not survive microwaving or cloths dryers. Should your home become infected, there are several fairly ineffective chemicals one can use. Or, one can burn the pillows and mattresses and pray that you got them all.

Once again our officious bureaucrats have screwed things up. Remember DDT ? Rightly or not its use worldwide has been banned. Malaria and other mosquito born diseases, almost eliminated, once again flourished.

The really simple solution to the bedbug problem: Ban the outdoor use of DDT where it might harm mother nature. Allow its use indoors where it can cause no environmental damage. This is known to be 100% effective .

Monday, August 30, 2010


The Senior Citizens League has solicited funds for their lobbying efforts on behalf of a group of old farts and crones born between 1917 and 1926. These are the so called notch babies who, thanks to an oversight by a long ago congress, got screwed on their social security payments.
The SCL has suggested a handout of five thousand dollars compensation. One might wonder if this includes dead notch babies heirs. We must, at all costs, be fair. I calculate that this could cost perhaps sixty billion dollars.

Our profligate,lickspittle congressmen (Oops!, congress persons ) call themselves public servants ( That's a laugh ) but all they desire is to be re-elected and so they like the idea of giving away our money to buy votes. Here is a hint of the groups with hands extended for a piece of the pie. N, U, C, B, OF,P and R. (Politically incorrect initials . Can you guess who they are?

The key word in all these schemes is fairness. That concept can put us ever deeper in debt.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


We are perplexed by the steps that the FDA or maybe the Agriculture
dept. takes when it imagines that they have found something amiss with our food supply. I have assembled a small list of the stupidities they have perpetrated against our suppliers.

Some years ago it was apples. Alar was supposedly a deadly poison that the industry had been using for years, No fatalities. Nobody got sick. Apple growers were ruined.

One might recall the Chilean grape scandal. Someone found a grape in a shipment supposedly with poison in it. All Chilean grapes were destroyed. Chile took a big hit on this one.

Lettuce and melons were the next victims. These growers were nearly ruined. Californian
growers were ruined for a time.

Do you remember the tomato recall ? Florida and California growers were ruined. It turns out that it was a mistake and decided it was jalapenos that were to blame, another ruined crop.

Now the bureaucrats have outdone themselves. Eggs, the perfect food, are deemed to be infected. Something like a billion eggs have been recalled. Why, you might ask. 125 people have gotten food poisoning. That works out to be one in 4 million. Your chances of winning the lottery are about as good. It occurred to me that cooked eggs are free of salmonella and perfectly safe to eat. Wouldn't a simple warning be all that is necessary ? But no ! Our nosey intrusive government thinks nothing of destroying whole industries.

For years I have been making smoothies with milk, bananas, egg(raw) and Ovaltine. I intend to continue doing so. It is a delicious drink . I recommend it for breakfast.

Monday, August 9, 2010


I have touched on the horror of the useless expression, you know, in some of my previous writings. Happily, my campaign against you know has been largely successful and only professional athletes and other mentally challenged individuals still use it. They elicit sympathy rather than irritation. Their innocent ignorance cannot be condoned but looked upon with tolerance. But----

But even more insidious phrases have infected our erstwhile beautiful English language.This infection is far more serious than the now fading you know. There are three of them, the worst being if you will followed by if I may and (right out of the ghetto) you know what I mean. These repulsive and totally unnecessary phrases come out of the mouths and pens of professional speakers, politicians and writers. The politicians automatically lose my vote. The other writers and speakers loose all credibility.

I, if you will, am angered and,if I may, saddened by the degradation of English, if you know what I mean.

I reserve the right to expound on he/she at a later date

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Richmond Dean ( Grandpa to me)was born during the civil war of not prosperous parents. He married Katherine Finn and produced 5 kids , Jack, Dorcas, Tad ,Tom and Amy.Upon her death he married Luise Daily and had Charles and Philip. All are deceased but many cousins and 2nd cousins are still alive.
Thanks to Noni Dean and Steve Darst for some of the anecdotal items presented here.
He joined the Pullman Co. and quickly advanced to General Manager, CEO, President, and Chairman of the board. The Pullman Co, in those days, was one of the pre-eminent industrial companies in the US. During World War I Woodrow Wilson temporarily nationalized the railroads and Grandpa faced him and argued acrimoniously. They hated each other and after the war Wilsoln very reluctantly returned Pullman to it's rightful owners calling Grandpa a hot head.
He was indeed a hot head. He was also a brilliant, hard drinking person .
My favorite anecdote : When he retired he went to Florida where he hob nobbed with with
Henry Ford, Harvey Firstone, Pew(Of Sunoco), and Thomas Edison. What a remarkable group of friends !
I only met Grandpa a few times when I was very young, maybe 6 or 8. We visited him in Highland Park, an upscale suburb of Chicago where he had his mansion. He left me with a lasting impression. I still remember him well.
There is much more to tell but I am still gathering information which I may include in a subsequent blog.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Bastille Day eve was a banner day for YHS ( I use this acronym for YOUR HUMBLE SERVAnt to save space ) et ux. We were unbeatable.

I ( Oops, I mean YHS ) am the director of a 15+ duplicate bridge game every Tuesday and we (YHS et ux )won with an enormous almost unheard of 70% average.

From there we( YHS ETUX )went to the Burlap Barrel for the weekly trivia game which I have referred to previously. Another enormous victory netted us $40 of free drinks.

Upon returning home, a quick check of the stock market of my miagre securities showed a handsome profit.

Here are a few samples trivia questions which I submit to test your mwntal acuity.
1) In Moby Dick, what was Ahab's peg leg made of ?
2) In oil paints, what is the oil used by the painters?
3) What is unusual about the Mona Lisa'seyebrows?
4) How many states in the Civil War were on the confederate side and how many in the Union?
5)In the star ship Enterprise, what powered the Enterprise ?
6) How old was Joan of Arc when she died?

Monday, June 28, 2010


I love radio and TV talk shows, especially those with a political content. Unfortunately, many of these shows can be irritating at times. For example:

RUSH LIMBAGH: He thinks he is pretty cute ( he is not ) and is more than a bit opinionated. He strays away from the conservative line from time to time. ( The straight conservative line is what I say it is )

BILL O'REILY: At times he is more than irritating. He invites learned and interesting guests to his program and interrupts them constantly. Unlike the true conservative ( me ) he despises the energy companies and does not seem to know about such fundamentals as supply and demand.

SEAN HANNITY: He is a nice and decent guy.His delivery is weakened by his excessive religiosity's. I have nothing against religions ( a couple of obvious exceptions ) but he may turn off some potential listeners and weaken his effectiveness. Hey Sean, what's with the stupid football you keep tossing about ?

GLEN BECK; Glenn Beck does his homework and scares the pants off of his listeners. His clownish presentation belies the horrors of his terrifying analysis of the current situation.

GREG GUTFELD: Who is he ? you might ask.You may never have heard of him since his program comes on at 2 A.M. ( TIVO is the worlds greatest invention ). He is really funny if at times a bit vulgar. Three or four guest are mercilessly harassed.
These guests can be priests, congressmen, authors, writers, comedians, prominent women ( always beautiful ) and more. He also writes articles for learned journals and has several books to his credit. I just unlimbered $ 25 for his latest tome,THE BIBLE OF UNSPEAKABLE TRUTHS. I am up to page 12 ( slow reader ). He may not be for the faint of heart.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


The world cup is an international celebration of the worlds most popular game.
About 32 counties have sent teams this year to South Africa and billions of aficionados watch the spectacle. Soccer has never been popular in the US but even here there are quite a few interested people.

Unfortunately, the South Africans have discovered a plastic horn that emits a loud noise not unlike that of a bee, a very large bumble bee type. So loud is this noise ( louder than a jack hammer I am told ) that the players are bothered, the anouncers can hardly be heard and the spectators themselves must be nearly deafened.
Some of these spectators may not like to be subjected to this and their option would be to not attend the games. We notice a good number of empty seats at the venues.

The worst part of the horns is that seem very popular with the cretinous fans and many millions of these horns are being purchased all over the world. It seems likely that all soccer games world wide will be subjected to this racket. The popularity of futbol ( That's what is called all over the world except here ) is going to be seriously impackted. Maybe the world futball authorities will ban it.

Friday, June 11, 2010


In 1920, congress wasn't much smarter than the current bunch. They passed what is know as the Jones Act, The Merchant Marine act of 1920,or The Cargo Preference Act. Under the strictures of this act most American trade had to be carried by American ships manned by American ( Union ) seamen. Shortly thereafter the US merchant marine largely disappeared and heretofore American ships were registered in Panama and other foreign countries.
The Jones Act has severely impacted the response to the gulf oil disaster. Many available ships such as skimmers are in the area but cannot be used. President Bush waived the act during the Katrina disaster. President Obama could have done the same.However,this would have offended his labor union support and he has failed to issue the waiver. His failure to do this has exacerbated the damage in the gulf.
This hardly seems like the time to play politics.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


How they git her name I do not know but through the mail and by phone Jan was told that by showwing up for a 30 minute presentation she would recieve a round trip ticket for 2 to anyplace in the continental US on the airline of her choice. Jan and I both smelled a mouse but we went anyway. At our age, we should have known better.

After an hour and a half slide show presentation by a glib, sleazy looking fellow who extolled the great savings and discounts availble through Direct Buy on almost anything one might want to purchase.( 50-60-even70%) Then came the clincher.For a paayment of $4000, $5000 or 6000 one could become a member, even with a down payment of as little as $i00.

I smelled a rat, a very big rat( The capybara living along the Orinoco river is the largest know rodent),a particularly odorific rat. When we were informed that this was the only chance, right then, to inscribe, we repectfully declined and asked for our airline ticket. We were given a scrap of paper instructing us to send $29 and in 4 to 6 weeks we would recieve our ticket. I looked these people up on the internet and sure enough,no one ever got a ticket.If is too good to be true, it probably isn't.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

John Finn


Aside from my admiration for the brave and heroic, why do I particularly remember John Finn (1909-2010) ? His exploits at Pearl Harbor are well documented and led to his receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor. He was a not too distant relative of mine.
See if you can follow the genealogy. He was the son of my maternal grandmother’s brother.( Second cousin maybe)

I first heard of him through my great aunt, Teresa Finn, John’s aunt and sister
of my grandmother. Aunt Teresa was a spinster who lived in Saint Louis in a fine part of
town ( Now a bombed out slum). She had doted on John and became very emotional
when she spoke of him to me around (1942 or 43) so although I never met him I knew a little about him. I did not know he had a wife, Alice ( Not much information about her anywhere on the internet) and a son, Joseph (Cannot find anything about him either)

Brother Lee and I were sent off the Western Military Academy around 1942. Lee needed the disciplined life of the military, or so thought my Dad, and I was sent along as an afterthought. This Academy was in Alton, Ill, a delightful town then ( Not so hot now) and just across the river from Saint Louis. Sometimes , on weekends we would visit Aunt Teresa. She lived in a fine apartment building called The Winston Churchill ( we called it the WC.) We were always reluctant to be there as there was not much to do but we listened attentively to her stories.

My brother Dean and Anne visited John , probably 10 or 15 years ago. They found him living on a small ranch in southern California. They found him interesting and talkative.

Monday, May 24, 2010

MORE MEMORIES ( Continuation)

My part in the story

About 1930 or 31 my mother ,Amy, bundled me and 4 brothers and sister and took us to stay with Grandpa Dean in Highland Park, an upscale suburb of Chicago. The situation in Mexico was so serious that we left, fully expecting all out revolution to break out.
We returned home when things had calmed down. Home at that time was a stately mansion in Colonia del Valle in what was a dying fancy part of Mexico City. At that time 6 or 8 beautiful homes with enormous gardens still existed in that area. Alas, they were soon all gone and replaced by tiny little dumps.
My mother, Amy, was an avid bridge player and two of her regulars were the Countess Polionac (Sp) and the Marquesa de Mazwel (Sp), two plump and pleasant remnants of failed European royalty ( French ? Polish ? from the Balkans ? I don't know) living parsimoniously on whatever they had been able to salvage from the royal treasuries.
At his time there were no functioning Catholic churches (1930/31). My brother Lee and I were spirited away to the home of either the Countess or the Maquesa ( I can't remember which ) and received our first communion in a
clandestine chapel in the basement which one of these ladies had bravely and daringly set up in her home. A brave and stalwart priest was there to administer the sacrament.
That was my tiny part in the history of the Mexican revolution. The countess and the Marquesa died Long ago. I doubt if there is anyone who even remembers that they existed. My sister Virginia lived through this time but was too young to actually remember . If she does, I would be glad to hear from her about this. No one else is left to confirm my story.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I do not remember things that happened in 1924 since I was not born until 1925 but the story begins at that time when Plutarco Elias Calles seized the presidency of Mexico, an office he held until 1928. He then appointed Alvaro Obregon to be his successor but he was assassinated before he even took office.
Calles then appointed a succession of presidents during the next 3 or 4 years.
These were , in no particular order,Ortiz Rubio, Abelardo Rodrigez, and Emilio PorteS Gil. Finally ,in 1934, he selected Lazaro Cardenas, his friend and protege.
Cardenas served the constitutionally allowed 6 year term. He turned on Calles and had him and many of his cohorts exiled. Cardenas is principally remembered for having expropriated all foreign oil companies.
Calles, during his presidency and through 1935 is largely remembered for his ruthless persecution of the Catholic Church. All church properties were seized, Catholic schools ( The only schools in Mexico at the time) weRe closed, and priests and nuns were hunted and often actually killed. The Cristeros revolt, centered in Guadalajara was ruthlessly put down. When Calles took office, there were about 3000 priests. When the persecution was largely over there were scarcely 300. (About 1939 ). At that time masses were allowed to be held in the now government owned churches.( Suggested reading,THE POWER AND THE GLORY by Graham Greene)

Thursday, May 20, 2010


As I grow older, memories of my youth keep popping up unbidden but not unwelcome. Almost all of these reminisces are pleasant enough but they are accompanied by a tinge of sadness. Why is that ? They are almost all known to no one but me.

This was brought forcibly to mind when I told a simple tale to the surprise of daughter, granddaughter, and even wife.

Back in 1940 or 41, King Carol 2nd of Romania was deposed and exiled. He first arrived in Mexico for perhaps 6 month or so. He was asked to leave and went to Brazil. He was accompanied by his most beautiful mistress, Madam Magda Lupescu.

While in Mexico he rented a house just one block from my family home
(Historic residence known as Los Naranjos). Across the street from his Majesties house was the home of Tom and Ethel Miller (Famous historical Casa Alvarado, built by Cortes' second in command), best friends of my parents. We often spent Saturdays or Sundays at cookouts at Casa Alvarado where his Majesty and Madam were usually present. We Schmidts also entertained King Carol from time to time. On one occasion, Madam Lupescu kindly agreed to play a few hands of gin rummy with me. I estimate that I was 15 or 16 years old.

King Carol was asked to leave Mexico and went to Brazil where he married
Madam Lupescu on her deathbed. He was asked to leave Brazil and was allowed to go to Portugal where he spent the rest of his life.

I could find no reference on my computer that he was ever in Mexico. All the people involved in this story are dead.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I am mystified by my liberal family, friends and other admirers. They refuse to hear the conservative radio and TV commentators. "THEY LIE" screams one seemingly intelligent liberal. They actually stick close to the truth and have done their homework. They back up their points with videos of radical liberals ( Now being called progressives, socialists, or even communists ) actually saying the crazy things they have been accused of,

Fox News has a great group of wonderful reporters. I suggest you tune in once in a while

Friday, April 23, 2010


If you watch TV with any frequency as I do you might have noticed the recent
hysterical efforts to sell you gold by three or four heretofore unknown companies.
Several questions suggest themselves to your bemused blogger.
1) Where did they all of a sudden get all this endless supply of gold ?
2) Why, if is such a great investment do they want to sell ?

Suspicion : Maybe it isn't such a good investment after all. Perhaps they are trying to unload at the present high price before an expected crash in gold price. Time will tell.

Another possibility : As you know, the US has a large stash of gold in Fort Knox
Are they dumping this stash through these gold selling companies ? Hmm- I wonder.

True or false trivia question: All the gold ever mined would fit in an average apartment.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


I make no secret of my conservative proclivities. That might be why I dislike the Houston Chronicle, the only daily newspaper in town. Several items in recent days reinforce my opinion.

1) The Republican National Committee let slip by a ( GASP) $2000 expense for attendance at sleazy strip joint. The fact that the expense was subsequently disallowed and the submitter fired is downplayed. Now all Republicans have been branded as sexual degenerates. This has been a huge story now for a number of days.

2) A crazed group of 9 nuts wanted to kill cops for some strange reason. Fortunately, they were discovered and stopped before doing any harm.
News item: Right wing extremist white supremacy group-----. Right wing!
They were about as right wing as Adolph Hitler, head of the Nazi (National
SOCIALIST) party in Germany. Hey, you progressives, he was one of your bunch.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


About 80% of French electrical power is generated by about 100 nuclear reactors. They seem to have no nuclear waste problem such is plaguing the US nuclear power industry. They, so I understand, rework the spent fuel in situ. I wonder why we don't do this.

In 2002 congress passed the deep geologic repository act and proceeded to spend 10 billion bucks to develop the Yucca Mountain site as a place to dump our spent nuclear waste. This site was completed and then abandoned. It is for sale if you want to buy a big hole in the ground.

Thanks to senator Harry Ried ( Dem., Nevada ) the site will no longer be considered and the 10 billion ( Chump change by Washington standards) is wasted. We continue, therefor, to have the same old serious problem of nuclear waste disposal.

Thanks a bunch, Harry

Monday, March 8, 2010


There was nothing else to watch on TV and I am ashamed to say that
I watched the whole program. What a bore !

There were a few items that I think are worth mentioning
Shoulders are back in style. Almost all the winners ( females that is)
presenters, and attendees showed at least one and often two lovely,
broad, milky white shoulders. ( How do you suppose they keep their
gowns from falling off?)
Breasts seem to have gone out of style. Most of the women somehow managed
to make these lovely orbs almost completely disappear. How do they do this and why do they do this? Is this the new look for 2010 ?

Friday, February 19, 2010


Our team was successful again last Tuesday. Here are some sample questions.

1) How many centimeters in a kilometer?
2)Name the three cartoon characters used to promote Rice Krispies.
3)Name three African countries that start with the letter T.
4)What is an oligarchy?
5)How many strikes to make a perfect 300 score in bowling?
6)Who died first, Romeo or Juliet ?
7)What is xenophobia

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I have always been frugal. How pleased I am , for example,when I can use a dollar coupon when buying groceries. In fact, I am a parsimonious penny pinching person, a niggardly skinflint, even a miserly cheapskate.(Does one
think one is being too hard on oneself)

How is it then when confronted with a slot machine one can pour great
amounts of ones life savings into a soulless device designed to pauperize one.
It gets worse. At the black jack tables ( Minimum bet usually $15.00 or more )
one goes loco and finds oneself betting $25.00 and even $50.00 on a turn of a card. It's like monopoly money. Hey, its not real money, it's only chips. All this said, it really is lots of fun.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Jan and I spent a few days in Las Vegas, courtesy a most kind and generous invitation from Greg and Nancy. In many ways, it was a wonderful vacation trip and we didn't even lose too much cash. We were
impressed by the splendor of the palaces, each one more beautiful in its way than the last. We stayed at the Paris where the NGA was holding its annual convention and so the hotel was filled to capacity. We watched the super bowl on a huge screen, attended a speech by GW Bush (very good-
that man is no dummy ) and ate , drank, and gambled, saw a couple of
super shows.

When we left, we felt a little twinge of sadness. Why, you might ask ?
As we visited some of the more magnificent casinos and hotels, we were
aware that they were largely empty. No one is going to Vegas anymore.
What is to become of all these amazing structures if they must go bankrupt? Why are they so poorly attended ? I can think of two reasons:
There are too many hotels and second, they charge too much. Years ago one could go to Vegas and have inexpensive hotel rooms and cheap but excellent meals. Not any more. They are pricing themselves out of the market.

Friday, January 29, 2010


No, I am not insane. I print my meagre offerings in the normal
manner but the machine insists on making me look like an idiot,

What should I do to correct it ?

Friday, January 22, 2010


In a typical 5/4 decision the supreme court has decided that corporations,

labor unions, and foundations can now contribute without limit to political

contests. How wonderful is that? Now the political races will be decided by

huge pressure groups who are looking after nothing except their bottom line.

We little people with our tiny little contributions will no longer be of any

consequence. To my surprise, many conservatives seem to think this is just fine

and some of the liberals are opposed. This is a first for your humble scribe. I am

siding with the libs. How embarrasing.

I harken back to a previous blog in which I suggested the simple solution

to all the problems with political contributions. IF YOU CAN NOT VOTE FOR THEM

YOU CAN NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THEM. No more cioporation or labor union

dough. No more out of state interlopers trying to influence state matters.

It would be easy to enforce. WE could even limit individuals to $5,000 bucks

or so.

I sometimes wonder why our government is so screwed up and stupod.

Monday, January 11, 2010


All right thinking people will agree that Harry Reid is a despicable person and an embarrassment to the US senate, his party, and the human race. Having expressed this opinion, why should I feel sorry for this miscreant ?
Harry's new book, just out, has what we of the right keep calling a racist remark and are calling for his resignation. We do wish he would resign or at least not be reelected this November. But we are trying to oust him for a remark which is obviously correct but politically a no no. He dared to speak the truth and for this he is being condemned. Perhaps you will by now have heard his comment: Obama was elected because he is a light skinned African American and he doesn't speak negro dialect , or words to that effect. It sounds like the truth to me.
Lets nail this creep for all the other wrong things he has done rather than some trumped up charge like telling the truth.