Monday, May 24, 2010

MORE MEMORIES ( Continuation)

My part in the story

About 1930 or 31 my mother ,Amy, bundled me and 4 brothers and sister and took us to stay with Grandpa Dean in Highland Park, an upscale suburb of Chicago. The situation in Mexico was so serious that we left, fully expecting all out revolution to break out.
We returned home when things had calmed down. Home at that time was a stately mansion in Colonia del Valle in what was a dying fancy part of Mexico City. At that time 6 or 8 beautiful homes with enormous gardens still existed in that area. Alas, they were soon all gone and replaced by tiny little dumps.
My mother, Amy, was an avid bridge player and two of her regulars were the Countess Polionac (Sp) and the Marquesa de Mazwel (Sp), two plump and pleasant remnants of failed European royalty ( French ? Polish ? from the Balkans ? I don't know) living parsimoniously on whatever they had been able to salvage from the royal treasuries.
At his time there were no functioning Catholic churches (1930/31). My brother Lee and I were spirited away to the home of either the Countess or the Maquesa ( I can't remember which ) and received our first communion in a
clandestine chapel in the basement which one of these ladies had bravely and daringly set up in her home. A brave and stalwart priest was there to administer the sacrament.
That was my tiny part in the history of the Mexican revolution. The countess and the Marquesa died Long ago. I doubt if there is anyone who even remembers that they existed. My sister Virginia lived through this time but was too young to actually remember . If she does, I would be glad to hear from her about this. No one else is left to confirm my story.


Holly said...

Your story needs no confirmation...I certainly believe you and am fascinated by the telling. Perhaps you should consider writing your memoirs.

amycue said...

I agree with Holly for a change! These are good posts and it is wonderful to see some of your memories in writing.

Kathy Hernandez said...

I have to agree with both Holly and Amy: fascinating and certainly worth recording. If someone doesn't it's as if they never happened. So keep on giving us little tidbits of your life and your experiences.

ruminations said...

Virginia is still alive and well and professes to recall remember Madam Lupescu. I shall pick her brain for more deteils.