Saturday, February 5, 2011


Another negative blog ! This is in reference to American meat products, especially sus scrofula, more popularly know as pork. As a youngster in Mexico I ate no pork since my parents felt that it was unsafe. It was not until I was 16 or so that I first experienced pork. How delicious ! I could not get enough of it. Even when Jan and I moved back to the US 35 years ago all the pig products were still great. About 20 or 25 years ago something happened. Porcine products were no longer so good. I can only think of a few reasons:1) Farmers were breeding swine with less fat; 2)Pigs varied diet was suspended and they were fed almost exclusively corn; 3) Perhaps my aging taste buds are not as good as they once were. I hope I never see another pork chop.They are generally tough and tasteless.


Tom said...

I seem to recall a good pork loin was my favorite meal. After we moved to the US, and this is now about 35 years, I never had a pork loin I truly enjoyed. Passable, but nowhere near as tasty.
I think it does have something to do with the corn fed diet. Even when you buy a free-range turkey or chicken, it can have a distinctly different flavor than the ordinary store bought variety.

amycue said...

Sus scrofula? Where do you come up with this stuff? I do miss our amazing carnitas from Mexico City!

Julia Burnier said...

When I arrived in the US I tried unsuccessfully to make a good pork loin like the ones we used to have in Mexico! I spoke to mom and she informed me that the pigs in the US were corn fed but those in Mexico ate all kinds of disgusting food - some of it very likely disgusting... hence the delicious flavor. Pigs eating what pigs eat.