Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I guess I am easily irritated. Here are few recent items that really got my goat.It has mostly to do with TV which I like most of the time.

Item #1 - Some poor besotted has been singer, noted mostly as an item for the tabloids in the last years, offed herself apparently with a drug overdose. I really don't care. However, since her demise all I am able to get on my beloved TV is more and more about this woman. I am so irritated by this that I am actually avoiding some of my favorite programs. Enough already. She really isn't important.

Item #2 - Constant adds on radio and TV are urging us to get Teddy bears ( Named after Theodore Roosevelt but that is another story ) for our loved ones. Since when, I ask myself, have bears become romantic symbols ? We are assured that said loved ones will be thrilled and will do nice things for us. They even have a 4 1/2 foot bear for only $99.oo. I jokingly suggested to Jan that I was getting one for her. She was not amused.

Item 3 - Why is it that when we get a commercial on one channel every other channel has a commercial at the same time ?Switching channels is therefore a waste of time. We thank whatever gods may be, for our Tivo.

Item 4 - I am tired of political adds and debates and telephone political calls. They tend to make me not want to vote for whoever they are touting.


Tom said...

on #3 - I suspect that is no accident. Brought to you by the same people who schedule shows to run 3-5 minutes longer so our wonderful TIVOs struggle to not overlap recordings.

On #4 - I so agree. Welcome to the new world of Super PACs, may their advertising $$$ be for not.

amycue said...

I know what to get you for your next birthday!

Julia Burnier said...

Maybe we just get more easily irritated as we get older. I hate the fact that the commercials are so loud and, as the program of interest proceeds, you get 2 minutes of programming and 3-4 minutes of ads.

And the Grammy's give awards to the worst music in the world! Yuk.

Good. I've done my complaining for the day. Now I'll proceed to enjoy myself.