Sunday, April 29, 2012


As I browsed in the dusty back rooms of the used book store I was surprised to find an old slim volume, long ago out of print, by B.H. Obama. I was astonished to discover that it was a cook book. Who knew that Mr. Obama was an epicure ? I fully intend to try many of the unusual recipes. Herewith, a partial list of the dishes. Upon request I will be glad to send actual recipes
of any or all of them.

Beagle with cream cheese
Pup tarts
Chicken poodle soup
Spaghetti and mutt balls
Eggs rover easy
Baked a Lassie
Beagle bites
Mellon collie
Cool whippet
Chow Chow mein


amycue said...

You ARE funny - this would be great on today's Drudge Report!

ruminations said...

I forgot toention the books title.


Julia Burnier said...

You are funny dad. You missed your calling - should have been a humor columnist with a nice conservative newspaper. Never too late!

Francy-Pants said...

I heavily agree with my aunts' opinions- YOU ARE A FUNNY MAN.

Kathy Hernandez said...

That was a doggoned good find.

Kathy Hernandez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
margie said...

I'd like a copy of all of those recipes!

Katherine said...

Granddad, your blog is incredibly amusing! Keep it up!