Tuesday, December 18, 2012


     The recent CT school massacre was horrifying, disgusting , infutiatng, disquieting, and thought provoking. It was truly a big news story. However, for the last 5 or 6 days that seems to be all we hear about on radio TV and newspapers. By now the story has been told ad nauseum. I don't want to hear about it anymore.

     As massacres go, this was no big deal. Traffic fatalities in the US average about 100 per day. 3000 dead in the world trade center. 6,000,000 dead in the holocast. Over 50,000 dead in the Bangladesh tsunami. Nagasaki and Hiroshima come to mind. The horrors of war dwarf most others. The list could go on and on.

     Meanwhile, other newsworthy items are hidden from us. Terrible things are occurring  in the middle east. The US is about to go over the so called fiscal cliff. Hillary claims to have suffered  a concussion and so avoids an embarrassing congressional hearing.

    Come on Fox, CNN, abc, nbc, and cbs. Lets let that old story go and start giving us the new and important stories as they happen.


Tom said...

I happen to agree. News agecies seem like moths (or lemmings) following whatever story they think will sell.
Plus, I think the airtime only adds to the allure of this type of insane crime.

amycue said...

Wow - you and Tommy agree! I am just happy to see a new blog. Keep them coming - we miss them.

Francy-Pants said...

Granddad! I didn't realize you were blogging again! I'm so glad to see you here, and although I'm a bit late to the party, I couldn't agree more.

We are all complicit in these horrible crimes as long as we keep tuning into the media outlets reporting them around the clock.

Welcome back!