Friday, February 15, 2013

                                  A REMARKABLE STORY

About 25 years ago Oscar Pistorias, a South African infant, for unknown medical
reasons, had both legs amputated below the knees. As he grew up, in a miraculous
display of medical science,  not only learned to walk but, with some strange
looking prosthesis became an Olympic track contender. Although he failed to
win a medal he became a hero of the games and a  credit to his country.

Fast forward a couple of years :  Oscar has taken up with the beautiful Miss
Steencamp. The world was shocked to learn that Miss Steencamp has been
murdered and Oscar is the primary suspect. It really is an open and shut case.
The jury will find him guilty. He doesn't have a leg to stand on.

P.S. South Africa has the second highest shooting death rate in the world.
       Columbia is the first.



Nancy Adams said...

Ha ha ha!!! Ha ha ha!!! I could not have come up with this in a million years... Great one dad!

Nancy Adams said...

Ha ha ha!!! Ha ha ha!!! I could not have come up with this in a million years... Great one dad!

amycue said...

Good post Dad!