Sunday, September 23, 2007


Jan's book club keeps me supplied with more reading matter than I can handle.

The Bookies ( That's the overly cute name they call the club) meet once a month and vote on new books to buy and then they somehow get to read them in some predetermined order.

This was how I got to read THE ROAD a few weeks ago. It came with Jan's highest recommendation. I recommend that you read it if you want to be totally depressed and don't mind endless repetition.

Jan also reads the NYTs weekly book review and I think that is where she ran across

a 1989 book called THE POWER OF ONE by Bryce Courteney which she found to be still in print. It is quite a long book with tightly printed pages but I consumed it in just a few days.

It takes place in South Africa so the history involved is hardly up to date. Apartheid is in full swing but the seeds of it's demise are clearly evident. The last 38 pages seem to me to be

unnecessary They added nothing to the riveting 474 preceding pages. If one can stand a sneery anti Christianity running throughout the book it is a wonderful story of something that might really have happened.


Francy-Pants said...

I just finished "The Road" and found it to be supremely depressing. I love how McCarthy writes, though. You should really check out Goodreads, the website I told you about a while back. I have a nice network of friends who post all the books they read and review them there. It is a wonderful resource for acquiring new reading material.

amycue said...


Not that I want to take credit for this book that you found so depressing - but I am the one who gave you that wonderful uplifting book "The Road" to read! You do have other sources besides the Bookies.... Amy

Kathy Hernandez said...

So many good books, so little time. I finally got around to reading Seabiscuit, and I loved it.
Our family is full of readers. I, for one, am grateful for that, as some of the best books I've read have been suggested or gifted to me by someone in our faimily.

Linasolopoesie said...

ME it would be a lot piaciuto
to be able to read what you write

but I do not know the language
they are Italian

and I know to only read English
if you come to find to me in mine

blog it makes it appeal to me so much
Blog and only the poetries

Che dirti more?
I augur you one happy day

Good bye soon
