Friday, July 3, 2009


Prior to JFK almost all men wore hats. They were called fedoras. Why they wore them I can not imagine. JFK killed the hat industry. He famously refused to wear one, to his eternal credit.

The military have always worn some sort of headgear. The US Army at one time had neat, rectangular shaped caps that opened up and fit snugly on ones head.
General Sha-----(I can't recall the idiots name )decreed that henceforth the army would wear berets. He must have admired the French military so now US troops look like French troops. Interestingly, the idiot berets were purchase from China at $5.00
each. Ten million were ordered.

Some officious bureaucrats decided, some years ago, that we must wear protective headgear when riding bicycles. The result----We see perfectly competent riders decked out in what is, perhaps, the most ridiculous, repulsive things on their heads. If I still rode a bike I would either quit riding or become a scofflaw and do without the helmet.
The nanny state is still in action.


Tom said...

Since this hatlessness has been a fairly recent advent, it may just be that it is but a passing fad, and people will return to wearing hats as they have for most of history.
Who knew you were so swayed by a fads ebb and tide.

Kathy Hernandez said...

JFK had a great head of hair, no need to hide it under a hat as so many of his balding predecessors did.
The bicycle helmet law was revoked here in Austin. It was rather impossible to enforce; most folks ride for pleasure and don't carry identification with them when they go out for a short bike ride. I, for one, had the name and address of a woman I didn't like much, and would have gladly given any cop that tried to give me a ticket for not wearing a helmet her name and address.
This law is ridiculous, seeing that motorcyclists get to choose whether they wear a helmet or not. Many choose not.

Nancy Adams said...

But just think of how many people these silly laws keep employed. If we did away with ALL silly laws, we would have staggering unemployment!

Kathy Hernandez said...

The way I see it, the same cop that should be out there looking for real criminals is the one that is going to give me, an innocent woman out for a pleasure ride, a ticket for not wearing a helmet. The helmets, by the way, are more than likely manufactured in China, and the mandatory use of them was probably the work of some sleasy lobbyinst vying for some big corporation that is more than likely going to make some money off this new law. In my opinion, ALL silly laws should be done away with, so that we can concentrate on the real problems our complex world has given rise to. Whatever happened to freedom of choice?