Wednesday, August 22, 2012

                             I STILL HATE ROYALTY

     I have garnered more anti-royalty  stuff which I am pleased to share with my readers.
The retard , Bonnie Prince Charlie's deceased ex-wife , Lady Diana, canonized  by the press, adored by all (except your scribe ) has awakened my suspicious nature. Why, you might ask, is prince Harry's DNA a closely guarded secret. He looks suspiciously like the sainted Diana's horse trainer.Is this naught but idle speculation ?

More about Prince Harry of the suspicious parentage : The dashing prince has been caught with his pants literally down. One cannot behave badly in this age of camera phones with impunity. During a wild drunken orgy he appeared in many photos in the altogether, embracing several unidentified women in his luxury suite in Las Vegas.

His reputation should be in tatters. Will the Brits forgive him ? Probably. This modern age has a way of forgiving and forgetting such things. We Americans are not much better. For example, we all adore Bill Clinton (Except  your scribe).

1 comment:

Francy-Pants said...

It IS crazy that he would be so brazen, as if technology did not exist in the rampant way it does these days...