Monday, February 25, 2008

KOSOVO : The Lewinski mess

Kosovo declares independence ! Thanks to Bill Clinton , Serbia was beaten into submission by the UN (Really the USA) forces. This allowed the Albanian Moslems to take over the area. These ignorant Islamists had been getting out of Albania as fast as they could. Albania is a Moslem enclave left over by the wonderful Crusades when they were cleansing Europe of the Moslems. Albania had been under one of the most repressive communist dictatorships for 50 years or more.

Monica Lewinski so embarrassed Clinton that he embarked on a war where there was no US interest whatsoever. Perhaps he thought that we would forget his indiscretions. It didn't work out that way.

Now President Bush, to his eternal shame, has recognized Kosovo. This new miserable country of ignorant Islamists, with nothing going for it will now be on the dole for the foreseeable future.

Question 1) Why did we fight the Christian Serbs in favor of the Islamic Albanians ?
Question 2) Why are we determined to to form a new Moslem country in Europe ?
Question 3) What can we do abut it ?
Answer to question #3. Absolutely nothing.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Another day shot to hell

We awoke to the steady drup drip drip. Something had gone wrong in the attic. Another pin hole leak in the ancient pipes. We located our wonderful plumber who had moved and changed number since we last used him. Fortunately for us, he likes us and responded to our desperate
situation at once. He arrived at noon and has just left now at 7 PM. $425 later the leak is fixed and we seem to be thrilled to pay the fee.
Why do we wish a college education for our children. Plumbers, carpenters, electricians, auto
mechanics and such make a very good living. Also, they always seem like such nice people. Fred,our nice Iranian plumber waved goodbye. Ten minutes later our downstairs toilet started flushing itself every five minutes. I will fiddle with the flapper for the next week and then call Fred.

Friday, February 8, 2008


I watched Romney and McCain give speeches the other night. They were addressing a
gathering of conservatives. Romney gave such an eloquent and graceful talk that I regreted his withdrawal from the race for the nomination. McCain followed with a most powerful presentation and made me feel much better about having to support him. But----

One must remember that none of these guys write their own stuff. They all have staffs of expert writers and so the words that they utter are not theirs. How much of what they say really reflects what they are thinking ?

Politicians are not the only offenders. I watched Jay Leno the other night as he struggled through his program sans help from his staff. Pathetic ! Not funny ! I suppose anyone could be funny if someone were writing ones stuff. The really funny ones are the faceless writers who never get credit for their efforts.