Thursday, March 25, 2010


About 80% of French electrical power is generated by about 100 nuclear reactors. They seem to have no nuclear waste problem such is plaguing the US nuclear power industry. They, so I understand, rework the spent fuel in situ. I wonder why we don't do this.

In 2002 congress passed the deep geologic repository act and proceeded to spend 10 billion bucks to develop the Yucca Mountain site as a place to dump our spent nuclear waste. This site was completed and then abandoned. It is for sale if you want to buy a big hole in the ground.

Thanks to senator Harry Ried ( Dem., Nevada ) the site will no longer be considered and the 10 billion ( Chump change by Washington standards) is wasted. We continue, therefor, to have the same old serious problem of nuclear waste disposal.

Thanks a bunch, Harry

Monday, March 8, 2010


There was nothing else to watch on TV and I am ashamed to say that
I watched the whole program. What a bore !

There were a few items that I think are worth mentioning
Shoulders are back in style. Almost all the winners ( females that is)
presenters, and attendees showed at least one and often two lovely,
broad, milky white shoulders. ( How do you suppose they keep their
gowns from falling off?)
Breasts seem to have gone out of style. Most of the women somehow managed
to make these lovely orbs almost completely disappear. How do they do this and why do they do this? Is this the new look for 2010 ?