Monday, September 17, 2012


No overriding subjects have presented themselves to your lethargic scribe. I few minor thoughts, not worthy of a blog, follow.

Introspection : One might examine oneself from time to time. How is one perceived by others ?  Is the perception accurate ? Probably not . One knows things about oneself that no one else will ever know. In like manner our perception of others will always be incomplete.

Flies : Is it possible that we have more flies in the last few years than previously ? We are well equipped with fly swatters and we slaughter them in great numbers. But they keep coming . They are hard to kill. Their excellent eyesight and lightening reflexes are a  challenge for the determined swatter.

Omega 3 fish oil : We religiously take our fish oil each day. Recent studies indicate that this may not be as beneficial  as the fish oil people tell us.

Organic foods : We march off to the local food  market and carefully select the organic products. They must be better since they are much more expensive. Now we are being told that they really are not . I am almost convinced. Milk may be an exception. Ordinary milk goes bad in a week or so. The organic lasts about a month. The milk people have been fiddling with our milk for some time now. I remember, a long time ago, when milk went bad in a couple of days.