Friday, June 27, 2008

Drill Now

Hannity is pushing a petition called "drill now". I accesed it by asking simply for
drill now petition. It was really simple. He has about 1 million so far and I added my vote.
You can do the same. It takes about no time at all. If you think this is a good idea, please add
your 2 cents. What do you think of the idea ?

Saturday, June 21, 2008


U can C that eye have fried my brain. Eye have bin playing two
much boggle and am righting like this all the thyme.

Yew knead knot respond 2 this hear note. Eye no their is knot
much 2 say.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Paid programming on TV

Although I have never bought things advertised on the paid programs I admit some of the items look interesting. " Not sold in stores" is a red flag. That might translate into " If you see this trash in stores, you won't buy it ".
While rummaging among out stuff we came up with a mango cutter. Where it came from I cannot tell. Some well meaning relative, friend or other admirer, knowing our love of the mango may have sent it to us . I don't believe this item was ever sold in stores. It does seem to be well made. "Only $19.95. Act now and we will send you not one but two at no additional cost".
It just doesn't work. It mostly squashed the mango and had great difficulty penetrating the skin. My suggestion: Beware of the paid TV programs.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Today's stock market may be a harbinger of things to come.(Dow down about 400 points)
Crude up about $10.00 a barrel. This is ominous.

It begins to seem that there is not enough crude being produced to supply the demand. Even a slight shortfall can ( and will )cause wild speculation and ever increasing prices.

The air transport business is about to be ruined. The price of flying must go up and few of us will be able to afford to fly. Gasoline and diesel are likely to go through the roof. Think like $8.oo or $10.00 a gallon (pretty soon). The auto industry will take a terrible blow. Our wonderful Boeing Co. will have trouble selling aircraft. Prices of food and goods will skyrocket as the dollar sinks even further in value.

In short - The US and maybe the world will sink into a terrible depression and I cannot see how we or they will ever recover.

Blame? Lets put lots of it on our congress.Their inaction over the last 10 or 15 years is unbelievable. Right now oil is the problem. The solution stares us in the face. You and I know what should have been done. Now it may be too late.