Saturday, July 18, 2009


I refer you back to my prescient and brilliant series of bolgs of some time back.
As you probably know, the US has been loosing competitive position vis a vis
the rest of the world, in particular, Japan and now ( alas ) China. American industries, one after another have fallen prey to the foreigners. Our industrial base has eroded
so badly that we now import all those items that we once produced. This process
has been going on now for perhaps fifty years.

What, you may ask, brought this on. Simple-Our minimum wage has once again gone up, making us even less competitive than before. Just as bad, business
profits will go down. More people will not get the jobs that might have been available.
Congressional madness continues unabated.

Update on rib situation- The rib seems to be healing on schedule. However, the painkillers have had terrible effects which I am taking care of one by one. Now I
am without energy or strength or appetite. The medical people have taken over my
life for the time being. I don't think I will share the details at this time.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


We know that we risk boring our family, friends and other admirers with
the broken rib saga, but that is all that is on my mind these days.
Treatment for broken ribs consists of nothing but pain pills. Day one: heavy dose of
advil. Day two: heavy dose of allive. Days 3, 4 and part of five: codeine. The codeine was most effective for pain relief but has several terrible side effects too horrible to mention. Today ,back to advile. I would rather suffer a bit more pain than continue with the codeine. My doctor assured me that each day I would feel better and sure enough, I do. I like to think that a heavy dose of advil will be sufficient for the next month or so.

Not being able to leave the house, I suffer from what is know as cabin fever.
It is not easy to fill the day with useful activities. Television gets boring and repetitious. My boggle game is not up to the old standards although I have played it even more than usual. All we seem to get on TV is ever more Michael Jackson
and Sara Palin. The Jackson stuff is turning negative ( about time ) and the Palin
stuff remains poisonous. I confess that I like Sara allot although I would never consider her for president. That might be a sexist thing on my part.

We are now well into month two with temperatures above 100 degrees. The garden
looks pathetic. The tomato and bean crops failed completely and I fear for the
papaya tree.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


As I suspected, I have a broken rib. I recommend to one and all to try not to have
this happen. The doctor put my on a remarkably strong pain killer regimen and it
seems that that is the treatment . Time will take care of the healing, or so they say.
This is my first overtly broken bone. I injured my neck bone when I was 17 and have had a permanently stiff neck ever since. I injured my jaw bone in my 20s and now
my jaw cracks when I eat. Maybe these were broken but not for sure.

Back to the Jackson saga---The media has still not let go of this story. My conservative sources are more fascinated by the press hysteria than the actual story itself. I am reminded of the Princess Di story. She was turned into a saintly icon
in spite of her very checkered past. Our African American community did something
similar when OJ was acquitted.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


July the 7th, a day that will live in infamy. This is our duplicate bridge day
and Jan and I have concluded that our game is deteriorating. We were beaten soundly
by players who should have been easy prey.

Arriving home from this discouraging experience, I found that the stock market had taken another tumble.

Off we went to our weekly trivia game at the Burlap Barrel. We usually stop on the way for a McDonalds sandwich. I hate the drive in windows so got out and ordered
at the counter. Leaving the premises I stumbled and fell heavily on my right side.
I lay there stunned for a moment and somehow managed to get to my feet and stagger to the car. I had Jan drive me home and since then have spent the most painful time of my life. I usually tough it out but this was too much. I went to my doctor and all he did was put me on painkillers and said I would be better each day for the next 4 or 5(!) weeks.

On another subject, have you heard enough about that Jackson freak ? Are people crazy or what?

Friday, July 3, 2009


Prior to JFK almost all men wore hats. They were called fedoras. Why they wore them I can not imagine. JFK killed the hat industry. He famously refused to wear one, to his eternal credit.

The military have always worn some sort of headgear. The US Army at one time had neat, rectangular shaped caps that opened up and fit snugly on ones head.
General Sha-----(I can't recall the idiots name )decreed that henceforth the army would wear berets. He must have admired the French military so now US troops look like French troops. Interestingly, the idiot berets were purchase from China at $5.00
each. Ten million were ordered.

Some officious bureaucrats decided, some years ago, that we must wear protective headgear when riding bicycles. The result----We see perfectly competent riders decked out in what is, perhaps, the most ridiculous, repulsive things on their heads. If I still rode a bike I would either quit riding or become a scofflaw and do without the helmet.
The nanny state is still in action.